Personal thoughts

Socialist Values

Socialist Values or Lack Thereof
Earlier on I had written a statement in response to a posting that implied that as a conservative I would be a social conservative and as a liberal I would be a social liberal. I stated that I am a socialist and as a socialist I could be either a social conservative or a social liberal further stating that in most respects I am personally a social liberal.
The posting also indicated that as a Conservative I would be a fiscal conservative whereas as a liberal I would be a free spender. Again, I stated that as a socialist I view myself as being fiscally responsible while subscribing to the belief that wise government expenditures on social programs and economic development are responsible and needed investments and would be welcomed.
And as a socialist I am free to be religious or non-religious.

Author: Ron Brydges

Born on Vancouver Island and raised as a child in Prince Rupert and as a teenager in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Graduated, not without struggle, from Central Collegiate High School. Got my first post graduate job at a steel and pipe mill in Regina, Returned to B.C. and worked in a fabrication shop, a consulting firm, a northern mine and then went east and lived and worked in Toronto for a machinery manufacturer. Moved to St. Catharines where i worked on contract for GM. Was discharged at 62 and took up writing. Now divorced with two daughters and four grandchildren. There was a life between these lines and some of it will come out in my blogs.