Canadian, Personal thoughts

Not to be Trusted

Never to be Trusted Again
What God has created let no man put asunder. Loosely speaking this is what comes to mind when we hear of the Premier Fords breaking up of the Greenbelt as a gift to his developer friends, in spite of earlier promises not to do so.
The Green belt was commissioned 18 years ago. But prior to that there was some 25 years of engagement by environmentalists, politicians, farmers and dedicated citizen groups who recognized the ecological need to preserve agricultural and wetlands for this and future generations. The Greenbelt was to be an eternal trust. Being able to feed the people must be on the first tier of government requirements.
Premier Ford says the Greenbelt breakup was necessitated by the need for 1.5 million new homes by 2031. Ontario does not need 1.5 million new homes it needs 1.5 million affordable homes. I have serious doubts that these corrupt developers intend to build affordable homes and they cannot be required to do so. Furthermore, the auditor’s report, on the matter, said there was no need for the carving out of Greenbelt land for the construction of the 1.5 million homes. The report further states that once the protection of these lands was removed, sometime in September 2022, these developers, with inside information, snatched up these parcels of land and in at least one case, the land was purchased before the removal of this land from the greenbelt was even proposed. This, along with the realization that these developers were also contributors to the Conservative party portrayed an all too visible red flag of flagrant corruption. We should all be outraged!
This obvious abuse of public trust tells the voting public that Premier Ford and his government should be removed from office and never again be trusted with the hands of government. What they did is ethically and possibly factually criminal and If there is justice in our justice system they will be put on trial.

Author: Ron Brydges

Born on Vancouver Island and raised as a child in Prince Rupert and as a teenager in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Graduated, not without struggle, from Central Collegiate High School. Got my first post graduate job at a steel and pipe mill in Regina, Returned to B.C. and worked in a fabrication shop, a consulting firm, a northern mine and then went east and lived and worked in Toronto for a machinery manufacturer. Moved to St. Catharines where i worked on contract for GM. Was discharged at 62 and took up writing. Now divorced with two daughters and four grandchildren. There was a life between these lines and some of it will come out in my blogs.